Super Simple Tuna Salad

I love a recipe that requires no cooking, creates minimal messes, and can be whipped up in a matter of minutes. This past Sunday, J and I had both been running around all morning, worked out together in the afternoon, and were completely pooped by the time lunch rolled around. Neither of us were really in the mood to cook and we both wanted something light, given that it was, like, 100 degrees out that day. As we stood in the kitchen, hoping for food to magically appear, J made the suggestion of tuna salad. I lit up, as that sounded amazing and would never have occurred to me. I pretty much always have a few cans of tuna and chicken in the pantry, and I pretty much always forget that they are there. I shooed him out of my way so that I could start whipping up some magic.

The glory of tuna salad (or chicken salad, for that matter), is that you can basically just start tossing things in a bowl and there will be a solid chance that it will taste good. To start, I brought out my usual basics. Anytime I make chicken or tuna salad, I include light mayo, yellow mustard, and relish. From there, you can really dress it up however you want. Sometimes I go for a sweeter version, but yesterday I went for a little heat. I decided to add in Frank’s hot sauce, and then cut it with some dill and minced garlic. The dill made it a bit more refreshing and the hot sauce was subtle enough that it was not really a flavor you noticed right out the bat. Sometimes, I will cut up a few Famous Dave’s Spicy Pickles and throw them in the mix. This adds a bit more heat and more crunch, which I love in a tuna salad. I also always hit it with some salt and pepper at the end, but don’t go crazy. The glory of this recipe is that you can alter it however you want, and you really just throw a concoction into a bowl, mix it up and you are good to go. I made a smaller batch yesterday because we were looking to chow down quickly so that we could veg on the couch and watch a movie. When I make a larger batch, I will usually double or triple this amount and store it in the fridge for the week. The glory of this is that you can mix it up however you want. You can eat it straight, put it on a croissant, or you can throw some bread and Swiss in the mix and make a killer panini.

This was a short post with minimal pictures but there is not really a lot to show considering that it was super quick and just a hodge podge of ingredients in a bowl!

I pretty much always buy the Costco tuna. It is way cheaper than buying at the grocery and I know I love it. Sometimes you buy tuna and it is a purple-pink color and it FREAKS. ME. OUT. Costco tuna is a safe zone, people.

I pretty much always buy the Costco tuna. It is way cheaper than buying at the grocery and I know I love it. Sometimes you buy tuna and it is a purple-pink color and it FREAKS. ME. OUT. Costco tuna is a safe zone, people.

I am pretty sure there is no appetizing way to photograph tuna salad, but this is all I got. I promise it’s good!

I am pretty sure there is no appetizing way to photograph tuna salad, but this is all I got. I promise it’s good!


2- 7oz cans of Albacore Tuna, drained

2.5 TB- Yellow Mustard

3 TB- Mayo (I use light mayo to feel better about myself ;) )

4 TB- Relish

2-3 TB- Frank’s Red Hot (I go for 3 because we like more heat)

1 TB- Minced Garlic

1.5 TB- Dried Dill (Feel free to use fresh if you are fancy like that)

Salt and Pepper to taste

Optional: ~5 Famous Dave’s Spicy Pickles, chopped


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